
Are you looking for resources to build the capacity of your organization or program?
Stezala Consulting, LLC provides objective analysis and consulting that improves the vitality of nonprofit organizations and other mission-driven groups. We help leaders of mission-driven organizations to Create programs, Develop strengths,
Measure impact and Share results. Organizations that partner with Stezala Consulting gain information, analysis and solutions to make good ideas great–from concept to completion. Kim Stezala, President of Stezala Consulting is also a Senior Partner at Design Group International.
If you are an executive director or manager who needs help with program design, replication, expansion, assessment, or evaluation, then you could benefit from working with us. Click here to read how we can help you.
Publication alert: Worked with a client to co-author this guide on how to help vulnerable students succeed at community college and beyond, based on the On Point for College model from Syracuse. Click below to download:
Reaching Out: A Guide to Increasing College Transfer and Completion with a Community-Based Partner, On Point for College
Stezala Consulting, LLC provides objective analysis and consulting that improves the vitality of nonprofit organizations and other mission-driven groups. We help leaders of mission-driven organizations to Create programs, Develop strengths,
Measure impact and Share results. Organizations that partner with Stezala Consulting gain information, analysis and solutions to make good ideas great–from concept to completion. Kim Stezala, President of Stezala Consulting is also a Senior Partner at Design Group International.
If you are an executive director or manager who needs help with program design, replication, expansion, assessment, or evaluation, then you could benefit from working with us. Click here to read how we can help you.
Publication alert: Worked with a client to co-author this guide on how to help vulnerable students succeed at community college and beyond, based on the On Point for College model from Syracuse. Click below to download:
Reaching Out: A Guide to Increasing College Transfer and Completion with a Community-Based Partner, On Point for College
Our mission and vision
Mission: To positively impact youth and families through building the capacity and success of education organizations, through independent consulting.
Vision: Education, youth and family organizations across the country will thrive and succeed through their alliance with Stezala Consulting.
Vision: Education, youth and family organizations across the country will thrive and succeed through their alliance with Stezala Consulting.
Clients include:
Clients gain:
Call to explore if we should work together - no hassle, no obligation: 414-747-9391